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Woodcocks - Lapwing tracks


Sex: male

Transmitter: 21533

Monitored from: 29.05.2021, Vrchbělá (CZ)


Year 2021: For this woodcock we have a very detailed map of the spring and autumn migration. Until 02.11.2021 Gadzo was at Vrchbělá. From 11.11.2021 to the end of the year he was recorded in southern Spain, where he wintered.

Year 2022: He stayed in southern Spain until 27.03.2022. His spring migration started 28.03.2022 and after several stops he returned again to the Vrchbělá locality on 11.04.2022, where he stayed until at least 18.07.2022, when we received the last position. Interestingly, his home range in 2022 was almost identical to 2021 (95% overlap).

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