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Woodcocks - Lapwing tracks


Sex: male

Transmitter: 20473

Monitored from: 10.04.2021, Vrchbělá (CZ)

Year 2021: This male was captured at the Vrchbělá during his roding flight. A few days later he sent locations from Poland and arrived to Finland, still during the breeding season. From December 2021 onwards, data from Amadeusz came from Portugal, where he wintered.

Year 2022: Amadeus spent winter in Portugal until 21.02.2022. Then he moved again to Finland, where he spent the summer in the previous season. During the spring migration, he probably avoided the Czech Republic, although he was caught there the previous year at Vrchbělá. He remained in Finland until at least 26 June 2022 and then his transmiter went silent.

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